A jar to hold donations to The Common Account rests on the counter at the cafe.
Early in the spring of 2017 we created what we call the Common Account. We wanted to try to address some of the issues in our town around homelessness, hunger and panhandling. There are many points of view on this subject, and even individually one’s own vantage point changes. We wanted to address this in our own way, as members of our community, and as a small business that is partly sustained from selling food. The Common Account funds our sliding scale menu for those who cannot afford the full price. People donate to the fund increasing its balance while others who are in need draw down from the account. If you would like to help sustain this project please feel free to donate here (scroll down to the bottom of page).
Thank you, and we hope we see you again soon.
Project history
We are hoping to have the donations cover 66% of retail prices. This would cover food and labor costs for those meals.
Month of September 2020: We served 532 meals. $3,899.50 was donated, 60% of the $6,514 total cost. We have come a long way since last month and have been making much progress towards our goal Thank you so much for your donations and support!
Month of August 2020: We have served 809 meals. $2,021 was donated, 21% of the $9,652 total cost. Thank you so much for your support during this challenging times!
Month of February 2019: We served 494 meals. $3,790 was donated, 64% of the $5,945 total retail cost. Thank you for helping us through this February and your generous donations!
Month of January 2019: We served 617 meals. $3,749 was donated, 49% of the $7,577 total retail cost. This cold month brought in a lot of folks who needed a warm meal. We never send anyone away if they cannot afford a meal. January in particular exemplified how much this program helps out others who are in a tough spot. Some days we served up to 30 people and other days we served 15. Thank you for donating and please help us out if you can!
Month of December 2018: We served 452 meals. $4,302 was donated, 81% of the $5,314 total retail cost. During the colder months there is an even greater need to help out the community. Thank you for your support in keeping this program going!
Month of November 2018: We served 398 meals. $4,229 was donated, 88% of the $4,778 total retail cost. This is a great month of total donations! Thank you so much!
Month of October 2018: We served 396 meals. $4,109 was donated, 83% of the $4,974 total retail cost. The total meals are staying steadily around 400 a month which is about 13 meals served a day. This is where we want to be in this program, thank you for your support!
Month of September 2018: We served 427 meals. $3,740 was donated, 72% of the $5,189 total retail cost. This is an increase in 48 more meals than August! There is a great need for more donations and support for us and the whole community!
Month of August 2018: Served 379 meals. $3,350 was donated, 75% of the $4,450 total retail cost. We served even more meals this month then in the last 7 months! Thank you for helping to spread the word!
Month of July 2018: Served 345 meals. $2677 was donated, 63% of the $4,267 total retail cost. We served 62 more meals than the month of June! Thank you for allowing us to do that. We greatly appreciate getting the word out to others in the community!
Month of June 2018: Served 283 meals. $3,016.22 was donated, 88% of the $3,424 retail cost. Thank you so much for supporting us and the community we serve!
Month of May 2018: Served 283 meals. $3,185 was donated, 94% of the $3,385 retail cost. Wow what a great number of donations this time! Thank you!
Month of April 2018: Served 344 meals throughout the month. $2,951 was donated, 77% of the $3,830 retail cost. We are keeping up very well this year, thank you!
Month of March 2018: Served 321 people meals. $2,823 was donated, 79% of the $3,566 retail cost. What a great come back from February!
Month of February 2018: Served 318 meals. $2,440 was donated, 63% of the $3,852 retail cost. Thank you so much!
Month of January 2018: Served 305 meals to folks. $2,956 was donated, 81% of the $3,643 retail cost. Thank you for your support through this new year!
Month of December 2017: Served 342 meals. $3,436 was donated, 88% of the $3,922 retail cost. What a great deal of donations this time, Thank you!
Month of November 2017: Served 434 meals. $2,861 was donated, 54% of the $5,359 retail cost. We had a lot more meals to serve this time! Thank you for your support!
Month of October 2017: Served 305 meals. $3,136 was donated, 79% of the $3,990 retail cost. Thank you for your generous donations!
Month of September 2017:
Served 300 meals. $3235 was donated, 90% of the $3580 retail cost. Thank you for your generous donations during the month of September!
Month of August 2017:
Served 292 meals. A total of $3,586 was donated. That’s 102% of the $3,518 retail cost. Thank you for your generous donations during the month of August! We greatly appreciate it in order to keep this project going!
Month of July 2017: We served 507 meals totaling in $6,010! We are off to a great start!